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Diocesan Council Update on 2025 Budget Status

Dear Diocese of Florida,

We, the Diocesan Council, want to let you know that the 2025 Common Ministry Budget is largely finalized and will be provided on the diocesan website in detail as soon as one or two line items can be finalized.

We anticipate this happening no later than mid-to-late February, approximately one month from today. We’d also like to extend a special thank you to the Budget Committee for their tireless work on this year’s budget.

We appreciate your patience!

Diocese of Florida Diocesan Council

The Rev. Jon Baugh

Mr. Charlie Clark
Ms. Rhonda Drackett-Williams
Ms. Melinda Moses
Mr. Wayne Plummer
The Rev. Deacon Annette Sines
Ms. Dorothy Young-Holder
The Rev. Cn. Mark Anderson
The Rev. Cn. Curt Benham
The Rev. Cn. Laura Magevney
The Rev. Cn. Tony Powell
The Rev. Cn. Tanya Scheff
The Rev. Sarah Minton