Eucharistic Visitor Canons of the General Convention 2006 Title III, Canon 4 Section 7: A Eucharistic Visitor is a lay person authorized to take the consecrated elements in a timely manner following a Celebration of Holy Eucharist to members of the congregation who by reason of illness or infirmity were unable to be present at the Celebration. * Indicates Required Field "*" indicates required fields Congregation*City*Region*Parish Admin Email Address A copy of this form will be sent to the email address above.The Diocese of Florida’s policy is that Eucharistic Visitors, once trained, will renew their license through a continuing education class every 5 years. A Eucharistic Visitor Continuing Education class will be offered by the Archdeacon of the Diocese of Florida at various times of the year. Classes when scheduled will be posted in Dio-Logue. I request that the following licensed Eucharistic Visitor be on record.Rector, Vicar, Priest-in-Charge*NameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateNameLicense Expiration DateA new Eucharistic Visitor must be trained in the parish and through the basic training class offered by the Archdeacon of the Diocese of Florida at various times of the year. I submit the following persons as Eucharistic Visitors having been through a Eucharistic Visitor basic training class.NameNameNameNameNameNameNameName Please note: you will be emailed a receipt of your submission. If you do not receive, please check your spam folder.